Choose The Best Plan That’s For You

499 SAR 999 SAR 999 SAR /year /month


All the basics for businesses that are just getting started. Only Annual Subscriptions

  • Sales
  • Purchase
  • Items/Services
  • Customers/Suppliers
  • 5 Reports
  • Users Managements
  • 3 Users
  • Point Of Sales (POS)
  • Expenses
  • Account Management
  • Multi Currency
  • Price List
  • Financial Year
  • Ezdan POS Applications
749 SAR 1499 SAR 1499 SAR /year /month


All the Advanced for businesses that are just getting started. Only Annual Subscriptions

  • Sales
  • Purchase
  • Items/Services
  • Customers/Suppliers
  • Point Of Sales (POS)
  • 10 Reports
  • Users Managements
  • 5 Users
  • Expenses
  • Account Management
  • Multi Currency
  • Price List
  • Financial Year
  • Ezdan POS Applications
1,249 SAR 2499 SAR 2499 SAR /year /month


Professional who need more Professional . Only Annual Subscriptions

  • Sales
  • Purchase
  • Expenses
  • Items/Services
  • Customers/Suppliers
  • Account Management
  • Point Of Sales (POS)
  • All Reports
  • Multi Currency
  • Users Managements
  • Ezdan POS Applications
  • Price List
  • Financial Year
  • Unlimited Users

Approved By Zakat,Tax and Customs Authority

We are compliance with phase 1 & 2 from e-invoicing regulation

We provide multiple modules with an exceptionally user-friendly interface available for your convenience.


Ezdan Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of sales, purchases, and inventory, offering businesses a clear and concise snapshot of their operational and financial activities.


Easy Invoicing

Easy Invoicing is a robust and user-friendly invoicing solution designed to streamline the billing process for businesses of all sizes.

Easy Invoicing


Manage your purchase with the Ezdan system for an easy and efficient process.



Managing expenses efficiently with minimal effort is crucial for effective financial management. Here are some strategies and steps to manage your expenses using Ezdan with very few clicks



You can streamline the management of items and services with Ezdan, reducing the number of clicks and manual input required while maintaining accurate and comprehensive records.



Managing customers and suppliers efficiently with minimal data input using the Ezdan system


Account Management

Accountant module in Ezdan to manage financial data with ease and minimal experience involves creating an intuitive, user-friendly interface with automated features.

Account Management


We provide multiple levels of highly accurate and productive reports.


Point Of Sales(POS)

Experience lightning-fast transactions with the Ezdan POS system.

Point Of Sales(POS)


What We Offer

What makes us different from others? We give holistic solutions with strategy, design & technology.

Web Developments

Web Developments

Mobile Developments

Mobile Developments

E-Commerce Services

E-Commerce Services